vineri, 12 octombrie 2007

presa nationala

Drumul casetei "mita pentru Remes" - scenarii pe internetDupa ce al doilea episod al serialului "mita pentru Remes" a fost difuzat in exclusivitate pe internet - televiziunea care a avut acces direct la imagini, TVR, fiind cenzurata de presedintele institutiei, Alexandru Sassu - pe acelasi mediu de informare in masa au inceput sa apara scenarii legate de originile casetei. Informatiile din blogosfera sunt aproape identice: caseta a venit de la DNA, direct pe numele Rodicai Culcer, seful Departamentului de Stiri din TVR. Avea 21 de minute. Era gata titrata. S-a facut o stire de doua minute, supravegheata personal de Rodica Culcer. Dupa aceea, caseta a plecat inapoi la DNA.
- "Spaga lui Remes" (VIDEO, I), "Spaga lui Remes" (VIDEO, II) - Filmul integral "Spaga lui Remes"(VIDEO)- Transcrierea unor convorbiri telefonice nedifuzate de TVR- Exclusiv: Remes a impus cenzura in TVR (AUDIO)
Elementul surpriza al intregului demers il constituie identitatea misterioasei persoane care a adus caseta la sediul TVR. ... Toata stirea

presa internationala

The News Net Top 20 brings you the pick of the most popular and highest-rating sites for news on the Net today, from a single page. That way you get quick one-stop access to the best of the Net for news sites. is a substantial and extremely popular news site. It is frequently updated with the latest news thanks to CNN's staff of thousands both from the US and around the globe.The day's feature stories are constantly refreshed and updated, some featuring live streaming video streaming and audio.They also provide searchable archives of news features and background information.
CBS News provide extensive news coverage through their Web site from their existing CBS Worldwide Inc. team of correspondents.The site works well to bring not only the latest headlines, but the detail as well from their large resource of online news information.They also provide an email service so you can have the latest news delivered straight to your desktop.
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Vremea in principalele orase din Romania:

duminică, 7 octombrie 2007

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